Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Microsoft Office Accounting Professional 2007

wowed the audience through its coolness in graphics and features but what really surprised me is the coming of in it.

I've seen the demo and the product really is astounding since it is housed in MS Office, thus integration with the existing Office applications (like Outlook for contacts) is expected and welcomed. The product has also engaged with e-Bay, PayPal and Equifax to accomplish other transactions aside from online payroll and banking. You could even send your books online to your accountant through the application itself and your accountant can update and send it back to you promptly and conveniently.

This might be the start of the end of new projects for us software developers on customized accounting systems. (Good grief!) Of course, legacy systems die hard yet new businesses might (and will) bite this. Let's see how it sells on the corporate market in days to come.

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